Michael Linecker, Hauke Lang, Eduardo de Santibaňes, Pierre- Alain Clavien
Department / Institution:
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland; Univeristy Hospital Mainz, Germany; Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The rapid dissemination and evolution of ALPPS with all its variants has led to many neologisms, which were adopted with various successes. Accordingly, the first International Consensus Meeting on ALPPS in Hamburg has concluded that a common, systematic terminology of procedures, summarized under the acronym ALPPS, is urgently required. We therefore aim to propose a common terminology based on the current literature and the International ALPPS Registry.
The aim of this study is to find a “consensus” nomenclature of all variants of ALPPS procedures.
The current literature on ALPPS and the International ALPPS Registry, including >550 cases will be reviewed for most commonly used terms. Based on that, a systematic nomenclature system, which will be first evaluated by the funding members, will be submitted through a survey to all members of the ALPPS registry (n≈270). This nomenclature will take into account all ALPPS variants described to date and should be able to implement future developments due to its systematic structure.