ALPPS in patients with metastases of non-colorectal, non-neuroendocrine origin |
Michael Linecker, Henrik Petrowsky |
University Hospital Zurich, Swiss HPB Center, Switzerland |
3 Sep 2020 |
Identification of gender differences in patients undergoing ALPPS - Do female livers regenerate faster? |
DL Birrer, M Linecker, H Petrowsky, B Humar & P-A Clavien |
University Hospital Zurich, Swiss HPB Center, Switzerland |
2 Jul 2020 |
Influence of Histological situation of the liver before Stage 1 and 2 with liver regeneration and with the presence of acute liver failure |
Ricardo Robles, Roberto Brusadín, Victor López |
Virgen de la Arrixaca Clinic and University Hospital |
11 Sep 2018 |
Center variation in adverse post-operative outcomes following ALPPS |
Kerollos Nashat Wanis, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro |
Division of Transplantation/Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; Department of Surgery, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. |
4 Sep 2018 |
Is pace the key to success when exploring the ALPPS? |
P Kron, M Linecker,GR Nana, P Mueller, D Keane, D Trinca, H Petrowsky, P-A Clavien JPA Lodge |
Department of HPB and Transplant, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, LS9 7TF, Leeds, UK; Department of Clinical Engineering, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, LS9 8FT, Leeds, UK; Swiss HPB and Transplant Centre, University Hospital of Zurich, 8091, Zurich, Switzerland |
4 Sep 2018 |
Incidence and risk factors of acute renal failure after ALPPS and its prognostic value on outcome |
Tim Reese, Mohammad H. Fard-Aghaie, Alexandros Kantas, Karl J. Oldhafer |
Department of General and Abdominal Surgery, Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Semmelweis University of Medicine, Asklepios Campus, Hamburg, Germany. |
21 Aug 2018 |
Outcomes of ALPPS Procedure for Perihilar Cholangiocellular Carcinoma |
Deniz Balci & Henrik Petrowsky |
University of Ankara and University of Zurich |
5 Jun 2018 |
Influence of ablative or interventional techniques on the pattern of recurrence and longtime survival after ALPSS for colorectal liver metastasis |
Christiane Bruns, Roger Wahba |
Department of General-, Visceral and Cancer Surgery, University of Cologne |
19 Mar 2018 |
A risk score to avoid adverse prioperative outcomed in ALPPS for CRLM |
Pim Olthof, Thomas van Gulik, Hauke Lang, Eduardo de Santibanes, Karl Oldhafer |
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
5 Nov 2017 |
Identifying risk factors of early recurrence in patients with CRLM undergoing ALPPS |
Michael Linecker, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro, Luis Ruffolo, Henrik Petrowsky |
University Hospital Zurich, Swiss HPB Center, Switzerland; University of Rochester, Division of Transplantation, Hepatobiliary Surgery, USA |
27 Jun 2017 |
ALPPS for advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma |
Jun Li |
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany |
18 Jun 2017 |
Impact of ALPPS on management of patients with neuroendocrine liver metastases |
Frilling A, Linecker M, Clift AC, Clavien PA, ALPPS Registry |
Imperial College London, University Zurich, ALPPS Registry |
15 Jun 2017 |
ALPPS for non-CRLM and primary hepatobiliary malignancies: Is it becoming safer? |
Bergthor Björnsson |
Linköping University, Sweden |
21 May 2017 |
Role of hepatobiliary scintigraphy to evaluate the future remnant in ALPPS procedures: a multicentric study from the international ALPPS Registry |
F. Tomassini; R.I. Troisi |
Ghent University Hospital Medical School - Belgium |
17 Jan 2017 |
Validation of the ALPPS Risk Score |
Michael Linecker & Henrik Petrowsky |
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
28 Nov 2016 |
Defining Benchmarks for ALPPS - An Analysis of Low Risk Patients from the International ALPPS Registry |
Dimitri Aristotle Raptis & Pierre-Alain Clavien |
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
28 Nov 2016 |
Risk Adjustment and Early Mortality in ALPPS: Is ALPPS Becoming Safer? |
Michael Linecker & Henrik Petrowsky |
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
18 May 2016 |
Laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive ALPPS. Report of the initial experience from International ALPPS Registry |
Marcel Autran Machado, R Surjan, F Makdissi |
University of Sao Paolo, Brazil |
18 May 2016 |
A critical appraisal of liver growth reporting in ALPPS |
Michael Linecker and Henrik Petrowsky |
Swiss HPB and Transplant Center, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
11 Mar 2016 |
ALPPS for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma - analysis of outcomes according to a developed risk score and comparison with standard resection |
Thomas van Gulik, Karl Oldhafer, Pim Olthof |
Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Department of General and Abdominal Surgery, Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University Campus Hamburg, Germany |
11 Mar 2016 |
How should mortality after ALPPS be reported? Results of a novel hazard threshold estimation method |
TS Schiergens, JG D'Haese, MK Angele, M Rentsch, E Schadde |
Department of Surgery, University of Munich Hospital, Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Germany; Department of Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Winterthur, Switzerland. |
1 Mar 2016 |
Impact of ALPPS on colorectal tumor growth |
P. Kambakamba and M. Lesurtel |
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
20 Nov 2015 |
Is ALPPS a feasible alternative for patients with otherwise unresectable colorectal liver metastases? |
Joost Huiskens, Thomas M. van Gulik, Eduardo de Santibanes (PI) |
Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
27 Jul 2015 |
A common Language in ALPPS - Defining a Systematic Nomenclature for ALPPS Procedures |
Michael Linecker, Hauke Lang, Eduardo de Santibaňes, Pierre- Alain Clavien |
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland; Univeristy Hospital Mainz, Germany; Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
12 Jun 2015 |
Patient Blood (Product) Management in ALPPS |
Andreas Schnitzbauer and Massimo Malago |
Frankfurt University Hospital, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Frankfurt/Main, Germany; University College London, Royal Free Hospitals, Department of HPB- and Liver Transplantation Surgery, London, United Kingdom |
18 May 2015 |
Validation of current models for standardized total liver volume in the ALPPS registry |
Erik Schadde, Massimo Malago, Elio Jovine, Eddie Abdalla, Eduardo de Santibanes |
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina | Royal Free Hospital, UCLH London, UK |
2 Apr 2015 |
ALPPS with associated intra-abdominal resection procedures |
Ivan Romic, Marko Mance, Goran Pavlek |
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia |
2 Apr 2015 |
The ALPPS futility risk score |
Michael Linecker and Henrik Petrowsky |
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland |
16 Mar 2015 |
Is there a difference in disease-free survival comparing ALPPS and two-stage hepatectomy in patients with colorectal liver metastases? (Short: ALPPS vs. TSH) |
Erik Schadde, Mickael Lesurtel, Rene Adam, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Largest 5 contributors to the ALPPS-registry and of LiverMetSurvey, Statisticians: Milo Puhan, (Zurich), David Delvart (Paris), other authors and contributors to be discussed |
Departments of Surgery, Epidemiology, Zurich, Switzerland and Hopital Paul Brousse France, Centres from largest 5 contributors to the ALPPS-registry and of LiverMetSurvey, centres of other authors and contributors to be discussed |
21 Nov 2014 |
Postoperative Abdominal Complications and Method of Raw Surface Covering After ALPPS Procedure. Does Good Cover Means Good Recover? |
Marcelo Enne |
Ipanema Federal Hospital - UNESA University |
29 Aug 2014 |
ALPPS - When to Perform Second Stage? |
Marcel Autran Machado |
University of Sao Paolo, Brazil |
28 Jul 2014 |
Impact of Histologic Changes on Outcomes in ALPPS |
Jihong Dong, Junxiang Tong |
Bejing, China |
28 Jul 2014 |
Comparison of Different Techniques to Induce rapid Hypertrophy |
Ricardo Robles-Campos |
University General Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain |
19 Jul 2014 |
ALPPS Technique Modification and Impact on Outcomes |
Suzana Buac, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro |
London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada |
10 Jul 2014 |
ALPPS for Synchronous CRLM - Liver first vs. Standard Approach |
Suzanna Buac, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro |
London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada |
10 Jul 2014 |
Minimal Invasive Surgery Approach for ALPPS |
Emilio Vicente, Yolanda Quijano, Benedetto Ielpo |
Hospital Universitario Madrid Sanchinarro, Spain |
12 Jun 2014 |
Is the ALPPS procedure effective in patients with fibrosis? |
Martin Angele, Jan G. D’Haese |
University of Munich |
12 Jun 2014 |
Outcomes of ALPPS as a Salvage Procedure |
Marcelo Enne |
Federel University of Rio de Janeiro |
12 Jun 2014 |
Monosegment Resection in ALPPS |
Eduardo de Sanibanes, Massimo Malago |
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina | Royal Free Hospital, UCLH London, UK |
12 Jun 2014 |
Analysis of Extent of Resection in ALPPS |
Andreas Schnitzbauer |
Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt |
4 Jun 2014 |
Impact of Chemotherapy on Kinetic Growh and Outcomes in ALPPS |
Bergthor Björnsson |
US Linkoping, Sweden |
20 May 2014 |
Learning Curve in ALPPS |
Jun Li |
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany |
18 May 2014 |