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Approved Projects

Title Applicants Institution Date Approvedsort descending
Learning Curve in ALPPS Jun Li University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany 18 May 2014
Impact of Chemotherapy on Kinetic Growh and Outcomes in ALPPS Bergthor Björnsson US Linkoping, Sweden 20 May 2014
Analysis of Extent of Resection in ALPPS Andreas Schnitzbauer Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt 4 Jun 2014
Minimal Invasive Surgery Approach for ALPPS Emilio Vicente, Yolanda Quijano, Benedetto Ielpo Hospital Universitario Madrid Sanchinarro, Spain 12 Jun 2014
Is the ALPPS procedure effective in patients with fibrosis? Martin Angele, Jan G. D’Haese University of Munich 12 Jun 2014
Outcomes of ALPPS as a Salvage Procedure Marcelo Enne Federel University of Rio de Janeiro 12 Jun 2014
Monosegment Resection in ALPPS Eduardo de Sanibanes, Massimo Malago Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina | Royal Free Hospital, UCLH London, UK 12 Jun 2014
ALPPS Technique Modification and Impact on Outcomes Suzana Buac, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada 10 Jul 2014
ALPPS for Synchronous CRLM - Liver first vs. Standard Approach Suzanna Buac, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada 10 Jul 2014
Comparison of Different Techniques to Induce rapid Hypertrophy Ricardo Robles-Campos University General Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain 19 Jul 2014
ALPPS - When to Perform Second Stage? Marcel Autran Machado University of Sao Paolo, Brazil 28 Jul 2014
Impact of Histologic Changes on Outcomes in ALPPS Jihong Dong, Junxiang Tong Bejing, China 28 Jul 2014
Postoperative Abdominal Complications and Method of Raw Surface Covering After ALPPS Procedure. Does Good Cover Means Good Recover? Marcelo Enne Ipanema Federal Hospital - UNESA University 29 Aug 2014
Is there a difference in disease-free survival comparing ALPPS and two-stage hepatectomy in patients with colorectal liver metastases? (Short: ALPPS vs. TSH) Erik Schadde, Mickael Lesurtel, Rene Adam, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Largest 5 contributors to the ALPPS-registry and of LiverMetSurvey, Statisticians: Milo Puhan, (Zurich), David Delvart (Paris), other authors and contributors to be discussed Departments of Surgery, Epidemiology, Zurich, Switzerland and Hopital Paul Brousse France, Centres from largest 5 contributors to the ALPPS-registry and of LiverMetSurvey, centres of other authors and contributors to be discussed 21 Nov 2014
The ALPPS futility risk score Michael Linecker and Henrik Petrowsky University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland 16 Mar 2015
Validation of current models for standardized total liver volume in the ALPPS registry Erik Schadde, Massimo Malago, Elio Jovine, Eddie Abdalla, Eduardo de Santibanes Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina | Royal Free Hospital, UCLH London, UK 2 Apr 2015
ALPPS with associated intra-abdominal resection procedures Ivan Romic, Marko Mance, Goran Pavlek University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia 2 Apr 2015
Patient Blood (Product) Management in ALPPS Andreas Schnitzbauer and Massimo Malago Frankfurt University Hospital, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Frankfurt/Main, Germany; University College London, Royal Free Hospitals, Department of HPB- and Liver Transplantation Surgery, London, United Kingdom 18 May 2015
A common Language in ALPPS - Defining a Systematic Nomenclature for ALPPS Procedures Michael Linecker, Hauke Lang, Eduardo de Santibaňes, Pierre- Alain Clavien University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland; Univeristy Hospital Mainz, Germany; Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 12 Jun 2015
Is ALPPS a feasible alternative for patients with otherwise unresectable colorectal liver metastases? Joost Huiskens, Thomas M. van Gulik, Eduardo de Santibanes (PI) Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27 Jul 2015
Impact of ALPPS on colorectal tumor growth P. Kambakamba and M. Lesurtel University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland 20 Nov 2015
How should mortality after ALPPS be reported? Results of a novel hazard threshold estimation method TS Schiergens, JG D'Haese, MK Angele, M Rentsch, E Schadde Department of Surgery, University of Munich Hospital, Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Germany; Department of Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Winterthur, Switzerland. 1 Mar 2016
A critical appraisal of liver growth reporting in ALPPS Michael Linecker and Henrik Petrowsky Swiss HPB and Transplant Center, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 11 Mar 2016
ALPPS for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma - analysis of outcomes according to a developed risk score and comparison with standard resection Thomas van Gulik, Karl Oldhafer, Pim Olthof Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Department of General and Abdominal Surgery, Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University Campus Hamburg, Germany 11 Mar 2016
Risk Adjustment and Early Mortality in ALPPS: Is ALPPS Becoming Safer? Michael Linecker & Henrik Petrowsky University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland 18 May 2016
Laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive ALPPS. Report of the initial experience from International ALPPS Registry Marcel Autran Machado, R Surjan, F Makdissi University of Sao Paolo, Brazil 18 May 2016
Validation of the ALPPS Risk Score Michael Linecker & Henrik Petrowsky University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland 28 Nov 2016
Defining Benchmarks for ALPPS - An Analysis of Low Risk Patients from the International ALPPS Registry Dimitri Aristotle Raptis & Pierre-Alain Clavien University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland 28 Nov 2016
Role of hepatobiliary scintigraphy to evaluate the future remnant in ALPPS procedures: a multicentric study from the international ALPPS Registry F. Tomassini; R.I. Troisi Ghent University Hospital Medical School - Belgium 17 Jan 2017
ALPPS for non-CRLM and primary hepatobiliary malignancies: Is it becoming safer? Bergthor Björnsson Linköping University, Sweden 21 May 2017
Impact of ALPPS on management of patients with neuroendocrine liver metastases Frilling A, Linecker M, Clift AC, Clavien PA, ALPPS Registry Imperial College London, University Zurich, ALPPS Registry 15 Jun 2017
ALPPS for advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Jun Li University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany 18 Jun 2017
Identifying risk factors of early recurrence in patients with CRLM undergoing ALPPS Michael Linecker, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro, Luis Ruffolo, Henrik Petrowsky University Hospital Zurich, Swiss HPB Center, Switzerland; University of Rochester, Division of Transplantation, Hepatobiliary Surgery, USA 27 Jun 2017
A risk score to avoid adverse prioperative outcomed in ALPPS for CRLM Pim Olthof, Thomas van Gulik, Hauke Lang, Eduardo de Santibanes, Karl Oldhafer Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 5 Nov 2017
Influence of ablative or interventional techniques on the pattern of recurrence and longtime survival after ALPSS for colorectal liver metastasis Christiane Bruns, Roger Wahba Department of General-, Visceral and Cancer Surgery, University of Cologne 19 Mar 2018
Outcomes of ALPPS Procedure for Perihilar Cholangiocellular Carcinoma Deniz Balci & Henrik Petrowsky University of Ankara and University of Zurich 5 Jun 2018
Incidence and risk factors of acute renal failure after ALPPS and its prognostic value on outcome Tim Reese, Mohammad H. Fard-Aghaie, Alexandros Kantas, Karl J. Oldhafer Department of General and Abdominal Surgery, Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Semmelweis University of Medicine, Asklepios Campus, Hamburg, Germany. 21 Aug 2018
Center variation in adverse post-operative outcomes following ALPPS Kerollos Nashat Wanis, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro Division of Transplantation/Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; Department of Surgery, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. 4 Sep 2018
Is pace the key to success when exploring the ALPPS? P Kron, M Linecker,GR Nana, P Mueller, D Keane, D Trinca, H Petrowsky, P-A Clavien JPA Lodge Department of HPB and Transplant, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, LS9 7TF, Leeds, UK; Department of Clinical Engineering, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, LS9 8FT, Leeds, UK; Swiss HPB and Transplant Centre, University Hospital of Zurich, 8091, Zurich, Switzerland 4 Sep 2018
Influence of Histological situation of the liver before Stage 1 and 2 with liver regeneration and with the presence of acute liver failure Ricardo Robles, Roberto Brusadín, Victor López Virgen de la Arrixaca Clinic and University Hospital 11 Sep 2018
Identification of gender differences in patients undergoing ALPPS - Do female livers regenerate faster? DL Birrer, M Linecker, H Petrowsky, B Humar & P-A Clavien University Hospital Zurich, Swiss HPB Center, Switzerland 2 Jul 2020
ALPPS in patients with metastases of non-colorectal, non-neuroendocrine origin Michael Linecker, Henrik Petrowsky University Hospital Zurich, Swiss HPB Center, Switzerland 3 Sep 2020


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